10-hours Bootcamp on HTML and CSS

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10-hours Bootcamp on HTML and CSS

August 13 - August 14


Here’s a 10-hour study plan for learning HTML and CSS:

Day 1: Introduction to HTML (2 hours)

Hour 1: Basics of HTML

  • What is HTML?
  • Structure of an HTML document (<!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, <body>)
  • Basic tags: <h1>-<h6>, <p>, <a>, <img>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>
  • Practice creating a simple HTML document

Hour 2: HTML Attributes and Semantic HTML

  • Common attributes: id, class, src, href, alt
  • Semantic HTML: <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <footer>, <aside>
  • Practice creating a more structured HTML document using semantic tags

Day 2: Intermediate HTML and Introduction to CSS (2 hours)

Hour 1: Forms and Tables

  • Creating forms: <form>, <input>, <label>, <select>, <textarea>, <button>
  • Form attributes: method, action, placeholder, required
  • Creating tables: <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>
  • Practice creating a form and a table

Hour 2: Introduction to CSS

  • What is CSS?
  • How to link CSS to HTML (inline, internal, external)
  • Basic syntax: selectors, properties, and values
  • Practice adding basic styles to an HTML document

Day 3: CSS Fundamentals (2 hours)

Hour 1: Selectors and Properties

  • Types of selectors: element, class, id, descendant, child
  • Common properties: color, background-color, font-size, font-family, margin, padding, border
  • Practice using different selectors and properties

Hour 2: Box Model

  • Understanding the box model: content, padding, border, margin
  • Width and height
  • Practice styling elements using the box model concepts

Day 4: Layout Techniques (2 hours)

Hour 1: Flexbox

  • What is Flexbox?
  • Flex container properties: display, flex-direction, justify-content, align-items
  • Flex item properties: order, flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis
  • Practice creating layouts using Flexbox

Hour 2: Grid Layout

  • What is CSS Grid?
  • Grid container properties: display, grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, gap
  • Grid item properties: grid-column, grid-row
  • Practice creating layouts using CSS Grid

Day 5: Advanced CSS and Responsive Design (2 hours)

Hour 1: Advanced CSS Techniques

  • Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements:(), ::before, ::after
  • Transitions and animations: transition, keyframes, animation
  • Practice using advanced CSS techniques

Hour 2: Responsive Design

  • Media queries: @media, min-width, max-width
  • Responsive units: %, em, rem, vw, vh
  • Mobile-first design approach
  • Practice creating a responsive web page

Day 6: Project and Review (2 hours)

Hour 1: Mini Project

  • Choose a simple website to replicate (e.g., a personal blog, a small business landing page)
  • Plan the structure and layout
  • Start building the HTML structure

Hour 2: Completing the Project and Review

  • Style the website using CSS
  • Ensure responsiveness
  • Review key concepts and techniques learned
  • Debug and refine the project

Additional Resources

By following this 10-hour study plan, you should have a solid foundation in HTML and CSS, enabling you to create structured, styled, and responsive web pages.


August 13
August 14


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