DevOps Practices

  1. Continuous Integration (CI):
    • Developers frequently integrate code into a shared repository.
    • Automated builds and tests are run to identify issues early.
  2. Continuous Delivery (CD):
    • Ensures that code changes are automatically prepared for release.
    • Automates the release process so that the software can be deployed at any time.
  3. Continuous Deployment:
    • Extends continuous delivery by automatically deploying every change that passes all stages of the production pipeline.
    • No human intervention is needed for deployment.
  4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC):
    • Infrastructure is provisioned and managed using code.
    • Tools like Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, and Chef are used.
  5. Automated Testing:
    • Automated tests are integrated into the CI/CD pipeline to catch defects early.
    • Types include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.
  6. Monitoring and Logging:
    • Continuously monitor applications and infrastructure to detect issues.
    • Tools like Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, and Splunk are used.
  7. Microservices Architecture:
    • Break down applications into small, independent services.
    • Each service can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.
  8. Version Control:
    • Use systems like Git to manage and track code changes.
    • Ensures collaboration and version management.
  9. Collaboration and Communication:
    • Encourage shared responsibility and open communication between development and operations teams.
    • Use tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams for ChatOps.
  10. Security as Code:
    • Integrate security practices into the DevOps process.
    • Automate security testing and compliance checks.